Volunteer with Prostate Scotland
Do you have a couple of hours to spare to help us? As a small organisation we rely on our network of volunteers throughout Scotland so we can reach as many men and their families as possible and so achieve one of our main aims that:
“Every man throughout Scotland has access to at least one piece of literature about prostate disease wherever they live in Scotland.” This also means that you can volunteer with us wherever you live in Scotland.
To this end we welcome volunteers to help us take forward our work in many different ways.
Why should I volunteer with Prostate Scotland?
Nearly 1 in 2 men in Scotland will be affected by prostate disease at some stage of their lives and 1 man in 10 is at risk of developing prostate cancer. It is the most common cancer for men in Scotland.
The more people who are aware of information about the prostate, the better. It’s vital that people know what to look out for, how to get help, and know where to find information. The earlier symptoms are recognised, a diagnosis made and treatment started then the better the outlook is likely to be. We need volunteers to help us get the messages out there.
But there are many ways that you can support Prostate Scotland as you can see below. Sometimes you can do two things at once; although you may have decided to fundraise, you’re also raising awareness of prostate disease and prostate cancer at the same time.
So who can volunteer?
We welcome a wide range of volunteers with a variety of skills and experience. Men (or their family members) who have been diagnosed with prostate disease have much information to share, but we suggest that they wait for at least 6 months after diagnosis before volunteering.
How much time do I need to commit?
The number of hours that you volunteer with us is really up to you and depends on the time that you have available.
It’s better for you and Prostate Scotland if you can manage a regular amount of hours each month. In addition, if there is a special event or an activity organised in your area you might be asked to go along.
What will I do as a volunteer?
We have 3 current volunteering roles:
- Awareness volunteer: Raise awareness of prostate disease in your local area by distributing leaflets, attending events, or sharing your story. Encourage businesses in your local area to get involved in a Workplace Initiative.
- Fundraising volunteer: Raise funds by organising a fundraising event, or by being sponsored for an organised event.
- Office volunteer: Volunteer at our office in Edinburgh and help us with the various administrative and general tasks to allow the smooth running of our office.
Ok, so how do I apply?
Phone us for a chat in the first instance. Then it’s usually very helpful if the Volunteer Coordinator, Helen Fleming, can arrange to meet with potential volunteers either online or face-to-face and she can answer any questions that you may have.
If you decide to go ahead, then we ask that you fill in an application form. You can either do this online, download a copy to fill in and send back to us or we can send you a copy. Induction training will be provided, alongside a trial period so you can see if it’s right for you before you commit to volunteering with us.
If you would like to volunteer for us or find out more, contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Helen Fleming, by emailing helen.fleming@prostatescotland.org.uk or calling 0131-603 8660
If you would like to volunteer for Prostate Scotland and help out at one of our events please fill out the form below.