Throughout 2018 and 2019, Prostate Scotland ran an initiative ‘Pull your finger out’ to help raise awareness of prostate disease.


Because prostate disease is a major issue but a little known problem…
Prostate disease and prostate cancer are little known about. A recent survey showed that over half of all men are unclear on where their prostate is, and over 50% of men over the age of 55 were unaware of the main symptoms of prostate disease. We need to change this! Especially as it’s such a common problem with almost 1 in 2 men being affected by prostate disease at some point in their life.  Prostate cancer is now the most common cancer in men in Scotland with one in ten men at risk of it – and latest NHS projections suggest that the incidence is set to increase by 35% in the next 10 years to 2027. The better news is that the survival rate from prostate cancer is increasing and now more than 80% of men in Scotland are surviving it- we are working to increase the survival rate even further.

Our awareness TV advert ran in prime time and day time slots on STV. These adverts have been broadcast throughout February, and during prostate cancer awareness month in March.

Our awareness radio advert (below) was broadcast on several local radio stations in Scotland, including Moray Firth Radio, Northsound 2, Rock Sport Radio and Tay AM, also throughout February and March.


A key aspect of our ‘Pull your finger out’ initiative is to encourage greater early diagnosis as early diagnosis is often more likely to lead to successful treatment. Our initiative is aimed at raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of prostate disease, and to encourage men who recognise the signs and symptoms to get checked.  We also want to ensure that prostate disease and prostate cancer are better known and no longer not talked about.

There are some groups of men who have an increased risk of prostate cancer – such as where there has been a close relative (e.g. father, brother) who has had prostate cancer (the risk is even higher where two or more relatives have had prostate cancer). Men from African Caribbean backgrounds also have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men from other ethnic backgrounds.

A video on early detection by Prostate Scotland Supporter Iain Annand can be viewed here


If you are worried about your prostate and want further information click here
For further information about  prostate disease and prostate cancer and tests and treatments click here and for the symptom self checker click here  

You can become involved in helping us to raise awareness amongst men and their families in Scotland by:

  • By downloading our Pull your finger out information Pack
  • Talking about our campaign with the men in your family
  • Sharing this link to our website
  • Wearing our badge or t-shirt
  • Handing out our awareness and information leaflets
  • Putting our awareness posters up in the toilets at your workplace, or sports or social club
  • Organising an awareness and information talk in your workplace
  • Following and liking our Facebook and/or Twitter page
  • If you would like awareness literature, such as our Brief Guide to Prostate Disease  or our information leaflets and booklets you can order them online here or by email to or by post to Prostate Scotland, 14 Torphichen Place EH3 8DU.

You may want to support Prostate Scotland by volunteering or donating

These are just a few examples of how you could help us.

Please see a video by supporters Gerry Gallacher and  Sarah Whalen about supporting Prostate Scotland’s work

You may be thinking about fundraising in aid of Prostate Scotland, in which case we are delighted!

More information on fundraising and supporting Prostate Scotland

Please submit the form below to download our free 'Pull your finger out' Fundraiser & Supporter Pack

    Prostate Scotland does not share its supporters data with third parties nor inundate them with fundraising requests. Selecting YES now will assist us to address prostate disease issues now and in the future. You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us at
  • Please supply your address if you'd like to receive this pack by post.
    If I am fundraising in aid of Prostate Scotland, I declare I will be 18 years or over on the day of the event. I accept that Prostate Scotland will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs, expenses, which may arise in consequence of my organisation of and participation in the events and that the event is not the responsibility of Prostate Scotland and will ensure that it is not described as on behalf of the charity. I shall do nothing that brings the name of Prostate Scotland into disrepute and not make any public statements on behalf of the charity. Any reference that I make to Prostate Scotland will ensure that I state that I am raising funds in aid of Prostate Scotland. I undertake not to collect funds in the street in aid of Prostate Scotland without obtaining a local authority licence. I also hereby give Prostate Scotland my permission to use my name and photographic likeness for promotional purposes for the charity. If I am cycling in aid of Prostate Scotland I understand that Prostate Scotland expects me to wear a helmet for my own health and safety.

What we do:


  • by providing relevant leaflets and posters on prostate cancer and disease; and running awareness and information talks in the workplace
  • by Running campaigns to raise awareness of prostate cancer and disease


  • by providing up-to-date information on our award winning state of the art interactive website
  • by producing regular newsletters, information and advice.


  • Working with and lobbying government and NHS to keep prostate cancer and disease high on the agenda
  • Collaborating with other organisations to further work on prostate cancer and disease issues
  • Researching into future services and treatment needs for men with prostate cancer and disease.
  • Working to support the availability of latest treatment and equipment for prostate cancer and disease – this included our recent successful Blue Horizon Robot Appeal which raised close to £3m to help bring robot assisted prostate cancer surgery to Scotland