Thank you to Craig and friends for your support

NB: group photos taken during previous walking challenges
Thank you to Craig Robertson and friends for your continued support in raising awareness of our work.
Having taken part in many sponsored and awareness raising walks in aid of Prostate Scotland over several years, Craig and his group of six friends set out to scale Ben Nevis one day in September wearing their Prostate Scotland t shirts. Thank you Craig, Ian, Ramsay, Dave, Richard, Richie and Jax!
The group’s plan to walk the Great Glen Way this year was postponed, so they decided to complete an ascent of Ben Nevis in one day instead. Undeterred when restrictions on household mixing were introduced in September, they walked in pairs and staggered their start times to reach the summit safely.
In 2018, the friends completed the 80 mile trek of the Fife Coastal Path from St Andrews to South Queensferry. The team followed the ancient return route taken by thousands of pilgrims in the 11th to 16th centuries walking to the cathedral of Saint Andrews.
In 2019, they conquered the ambitious challenge of walking the West Highland Way in five days. The iconic 96 mile route with 3,155m elevation celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Their experiences prepared them for walking up Ben Nevis – a steep ascent of 1,345 metres and the highest mountain in the UK.
Their two walking challenges in 2018 and 2019 raised over £7,150 in aid of our work.
Craig, his friends, family and their local communities have made a significant contribution to our work over several years. They have promoted our work in their local areas and local press, supported our prostate awareness campaign ‘Pull Your Finger Out‘ and organised local public collections. We’d like to thank them for their continued support and engagement.
NB: social distancing restrictions were observed during this hillwalking challenge
Virtual fundraising ideas
We’ve updated our virtual fundraising pages to include some ideas for walkers of all abilities, plus many other fundraising ideas to suit other interests. Head to:
- Prost80: virtual fundraising ideas
- The Edinburgh Marathon Festival Virtual Challenge – a great challenge if you have taken up running during lockdown or if you are a keen runner and have missed your usual races this year
- Other easy ways to support Prostate Scotland – some ideas that take up less time and effort but can still raise awareness or some money for our cause.
Join our Living Well with Prostate Cancer Course starting on Thursday 29 October
- Recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer?
- Living in Scotland?
- Prostate Scotland and Maggie’s Edinburgh have teamed up to make sure that help is available when you need it most.
This free course has been designed to support men recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and is open to men across Scotland as it is online.
- learn about ways to manage side effects and aim to live well with prostate cancer
- meet others and pick up tips to reduce the impact on your life
Please go to for more information and how to join.
Our next course starts on Thursday 29 October.