Happy New Year from Prostate Scotland

Happy New Year from Prostate Scotland and a big thank you to everyone for your support and interest in our work over the past year – it has been very much appreciated and especially welcome.
During the past year we placed emphasis on taking forward and developing of information and support services for men and their families. This has included providing a range of information and several new publications about treatments for prostate cancer and disease. As part of our COMPASS services we were pleased to offer one to one support sessions in partnership with Maggie’s Highland and Edinburgh to a growing number of men with prostate cancer and their family members. In addition we provided several Living Well with Prostate Cancer courses online to men across Scotland again in partnership with Maggie’s. The year also saw the launch of our online exercise programme, which was developed in partnership with the Exercise Clinic.
We have been very much encouraged and humbled by the excellent feedback we have had to both the Living Well courses and the exercise programme. Registration is open for the next Living Well with prostate cancer course. Topics covered include managing fatigue and the side effects of treatment in addition to how to eat well when you have prostate cancer. You’ll meet other men and hear from experts. The course is a joint initiative with Maggie’s Edinburgh and to join the next course phone Maggie’s on 0131 537 3131 or email edinburgh@maggies.org
We would like to thank all our supporters across Scotland for their magnificent support over the past year through donations, in raising funds and volunteering. Activities have included many virtual fundraising initiatives, as well as many cycle rides and runs undertaken, and many miles walked. The passion, ingenuity and dedication of our supporters to take forward fundraising, in the teeth of the pandemic has been truly inspiring to us – this has included everything from a virtual Lands Ends to John O’Groats run, to Munro bagging, hiking, Take-Away feeds, Rotary Rides and music evenings. You can read more about what our supporters have been up to in our News pages.
If you are looking to support us in 2022 there is a range of exciting activities and events already planned. These include:
- The Supernova 5K at the Kelpies in March – places available via Prostate Scotland
- In April, the first live Kiltwalk of 2022 returns to Glasgow, and to Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh later in the year. There’s also Scotland’s Virtual Kiltwalk where you get the chance to invent your own challenge and complete it in a location to suit you – places available via Prostate Scotland
- The Edinburgh Marathon Festival in May – places available via Prostate Scotland
- Our supporter Chris Igoe is running his third Charity Golf Tournament 0n Saturday 23 July. This fantastic popular event takes place at Kings Acre Golf Course in Lasswade, Midlothian. Tickets include competition entry, morning roll & soup as well as many prizes to be won on the day at the price of £100 per 4 ball. The following Saturday is the prize giving night with entry priced at £5. Please contact Chris at igoe-up@outlook.com to enter.
- The Great North Run in September – places available via Prostate Scotland
- The Great Scottish Run in October – places available via Prostate Scotland
Over the coming year we look forward to continuing our work to provide information and support for men and their families across Scotland. We also look forward to extending our range of information for men and their families, as well as further developing the range and type of support services for men and their families via our COMPASS project.
We would like to thank you for all the support over the past year – it is very much appreciated and has made a big difference to the charity’s work.
We would also like to thank and pay tribute to all the clinicians and health and care staff for having gone the extra mile over the past year during the pandemic to continue to help and treat men with prostate cancer and disease – you have our thanks and admiration.
The Prostate Scotland team is working from home/remotely, but you can still contact us by email at info@prostatescotland.org.uk, or by calling us at the Prostate Scotland number: 0131 603 8660.
We would like to wish you all the very best for the New Year and thank you for your support of Prostate Scotland. It is very much appreciated and has enabled our work to continue to move forward and support even more people.